Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Giveaway Time

The day has finally come for a Scentsy giveaway! To enter the giveaway please go visit Raven's blog, A Momma's Desires and Pacifiers, and read all the details of how you can win.

If you are interested in Scentsy products, hosting a party, or joining Scentsy, you can click on the button to the right and it will take you directly to my website. Once you have been redirected you can learn more about Scentsy products or contact me for more information.

She didn't nap all day, but I love this sad face picture.


Aubrey-N-Shaemous said...

I'm here from Momma's Desires and Pacifiers. I've been reading your blog a bit and your babes are adorbs. :)

Jaima said...

Thank you! She is a mess but I love her to pieces. Your little boy is adorable. I was checking out your blog but I didn't know if you checked it so I figured I would comment back on here. :)He was born on my sister's birthday. :)

Whitney @ justacountry-girl said...

OHYMYLORD! that baby of yours is absolutely beautiful. so gald I found your blog. cant wait to follow along every step of the way.

Breanna said...

I'm here from Momma's Desires and Pacifiers and am now following your blog :) I am interested in doing a Giveaway with you in the future if you would like :)

